Bamboo Splinter

Can Wonder Woman save AT&T?

Wonder Woman sequel premieres on Christmas Day and Apple is feeling generous

The Bamboo Team
Nov 19, 2020 • 1 min read

AT&T’s Warner bros is not leaving anything to chance and will be launching the Wonder Woman sequel both in cinemas and on HBO Max. Subscribers can watch the movie on Christmas day at no extra cost. It’s a page out of Disney’s playbook when they launched Mulan on Disney Plus in September but subscribers had to pay $30. Click here to read more

To Asia and Beyond Meat

Beyond meat (NASDAQ: BYND) took minced pork to China and investors like it. The company is introducing its latest plant-based minced pork to the Asian market. The company said its latest product, Beyond Pork, will be available at five popular restaurants in Shanghai from November 18th. Investors love the taste of Beyond pork as shares rose 3.16% after the announcement. Click here to read more

Apple slashes commission fee

Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) is reducing the commission fee of small developers who earn less than $1 million in annual net sales on its platform. Wondering why Apple is feeling generous? Apple is under regulatory scrutiny for anti-competitive practises. “The App Store Small Business Program” is one of Apple’s measures to help smaller businesses and avoid regulations. Apple investors seem a little uncomfortable as stocks fell 1.1% to $118.03. Click here to read more

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Bamboo Splinter
The Bamboo Team
The Bamboo Team
Nov 19, 2020 • 1 min read

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