Bamboo Splinter

Dunkin' Brands is about to go private

Dunkin' Brands discussing deal to go private, SAP stock tumbles and Zoom joins best global brands list

The Bamboo Team
Oct 26, 2020 • 1 min read

Dunkin’ Brands (NASDAQ: DNKN), holding talks to sell itself to private equity-backed company, Inspire Brands and go private. The deal, reportedly worth $8.8 billion could be announced as soon as today according to reporting from the New York Times. Dunkin has been making a strategic pivot to be less a doughnut shop and more a Starbucks competitor and this could be another step in that direction. Click here to read more

There is fire on the mountain at SAP

SAP SE (NYSE: SAP)shares dropped as much as 21% after the software company cut its revenue forecast for the full year. SAP’s CEO Christain Klien, said he expects limited growth and margin improvement over the next two years, and moved expectations to meet its 2023 strategy plan out to 2025. Click here to read more

Zoom and Instagram joins ‘best’ global brands

Marketing consultancy firm Interbrand has just published its 2020 Best Global Brands Report, with Instagram (NASDAQ: FB) and Zoom  (NASDAQ: ZM) entering the list for the first time. According to the report, communication brands have weathered the Coronavirus storm better than other sectors, and the proof is the first time inclusion of Instagram ranking #19, YouTube at #30 and Zoom at #100. Click here to read more


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Bamboo Splinter
The Bamboo Team
The Bamboo Team
Oct 26, 2020 • 1 min read

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